I have a keyword table where each keyword is assigned an id and is unique. I have a second table that links ids of parent keywords to ids of child keywords. One keyword can have up to approx 800 children or have none at all. Children can be parents of yet more keywords (and on and on...)
The issue I am running into is a child (or grandchild or great grandchild) can be the parent of the initial keyword causing a cyclical structure. I am attempting to build a tree data structure for the initial keyword using a recursive function but the function either never ends, or goes past the 1000 level recursion limit in Python.
Is there a better way to design my parent/child table to prevent this (or do upfront checking during inserts) or is there a better way to write a recursive function to prevent this condition from happening? I tried to limit the depth of the recursion function but ran into single level issues (i.e. child being the parent of the parent). Again, my goal is to create a tree structure for an initial keyword.
Table Keyword:
id int(11) not null primary key auto_increment (id of keyword)
text varchar(255) unique (keyword text e.g. "computer help desk")
Table Keyword_Relation:
id int(11) not null primary key auto_increment (id for parent/child combo, not keyword id)
parent int(11) (id of parent keyword)
child int(11) (id of child keyword)
You can start at the top of the tree, and just keep track of the nodes you've already found and ignore them.
def getchildren(node, ignore_nodes=[]):
child_nodes = []
for child in node.children():
if child in ignore_nodes:
nodes, ignore_nodes = getchildren(child, ignore_nodes)
return child_nodes, ignore_nodes