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Type of object with only camel case keys

Is there a way to write a type or an interface that forces the object keys to be in camelCase?

type CamelCaseObject = // ... ?

const myObject: CamelCaseObject;
myObject.camelCaseKey; // Ok
myObject.not_camel_case_key; // Not ok.

Or an interface would be fine too.

interface ICamelCaseObject = {
  [key: string /* that matches camelCase */]: OtherType;

const myObject: ICamelCaseObject;
myObject.camelCaseKey; // Ok
myObject.not_camel_case_key; // Not ok.


  • Well, you can't exactly enforce that the string is camel case using static types. However, you can force all property names to not include underscores which would disallow snake case:

    type OtherType = string;
    interface ICamelCaseObject {
        [key: string /* that matches camelCase */]: OtherType;
        [K: `${string}_${string}`]: never; // matches snake case and forces never
    // this works
    const foo: ICamelCaseObject = {
        heyYou: "boi",
    // this fails
    const foo2: ICamelCaseObject = {
        oh_noes: "hey", // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never'.

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