I have a binary matrix. Each column corresponds to a vertex in a graph. If I walk along the path (starting on the "col 1" vertex, then moving on to "col 2" etc.), I have to pay some fines. But since there are only so many police officers on the path, I can wait for some time until there is no police officer remaining on the next vertex, then go over. To clarify, the following matrix (first row is the "title" row):
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
Encodes that I will pay if I am on A after waiting an extra 1, 2 or 3 hours before that point; on B, I will pay after 2 or 3 extra hours; on C, I will pay after 0 or 3 hours; on D, I will pay if I wait 1 or 3 hours.
As such, the optimal path here is "move to B, wait 1 hour, move to C, wait 1 hour, move to D", with total cost 0. (this path is marked with "X" on the following)
X X 1 0
1 X X 1
1 1 X X
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
However, achieving 0 is not always possible, and I am only interested in one of the paths of minimal sum that goes from the top left entry to the right column.
How can I generate such a path efficiently?
The naive algorithm "generate all paths, find the minimum" works in exponential time, which doesn't feel optimal to me.
I thought of using a DP approach, but I was unable to formulate one that did not break on some cases, whether I try to add line-by-line or column-by-column
Let's start with a simple question. Let's say you're at row i
, column j
(i.e. cell (i,j)
) of the matrix. What choices do you have for the next step?
Since we're moving column-wise, j
becomes j+1
. But for the row, you can greedily choose the row which pays the minimum fine. That is, you can pick i'
in range (i+1, row_count)
such that fine(i,j)
is minimum. (Note: since the row represents points in time, you can't go from row i
to i-1
, effectively shortening our search space).
The algorithm:
(n = number of rows = len(matrix)
, m = number of columns
m-1 to 1
, the minimum fine for cell (i,j)
will befine(i,j) = (matrix[i][j] == 1) + (min_value in matrix[i][j+1] to matrix[n][j+1])
, from where you trace the path by checking the min values from each column.The last point we need to cover is, how to get min_value in matrix[i][j+1] to matrix[n][j+1]
in step 2? If you traverse from row n
to row 1
, the task basically boils down to keeping a track of the smallest element visited yet, which can be done using a simple variable/counter.
The approach requires no extra space (since we modify the given matrix), and O(M*N)
time complexity.