I'm using PrimeNg table to display my items.
<p-table *ngIf="certificates | async as certificates" [value]="certificates">
<ng-template pTemplate="header">
<th style="max-width: 40%">Name</th>
<th style="max-width: 10%">Valid</th>
<th style="max-width: 10%">Active</th>
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-certificate>
<p-skeleton *ngIf="loading"></p-skeleton>
<tr *ngIf="!loading">
<th>{{ certificate.name }}</th>
<td>{{ certificate.pac }}</td>
<td><i class="bi bi-check-lg"></i></td>
I want to be able to choose only one radiobutton. Right now I can click and select all my radiobuttons but I don't want that to be the case. Does anyone know how can only one radiobutton be selected at a time ?
Try to append "name" attribute with same value to all radiobuttons :