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MongoDB - How to write a nested group aggregation query

I have a collection in this format:


I want to result to be something like this:

  "animals":{"Lion":"yyy", "Tiger":"xxx"}

I wrote the below query. I think there needs to be another group stage but not able to write it.

  '$group': {
  '_id':{'place':'$place', 'animal':'$animal'},
  'animalNames': {'$addToSet':'$name'}

What changes need to be made to get the required result?


    1. $group - Group by animals. Push objects with { k: "animal", v: "name" } type into animals array.
    2. $project - Decorate output document. Convert animals array to key-value pair via $arrayToObject.
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$place",
          "animals": {
            "$push": {
              k: "$animal",
              v: "$name"
        $project: {
          _id: 0,
          place: "$_id",
          animals: {
            "$arrayToObject": "$animals"

    Sample Mongo Playground