I'm trying to hit the api with retrofit its a POST request to registerd a user to app.Everything is fine but i didn't get the response inside the onResponse .The response code is 200 but still I'm not getting the response. I try to update my Model class many times but it can't workout.But in the postman I'm getting the response
Api interface
interface Api {
fun regsiterUser(@Body userRequest: UserRequest):Call<ResponseUpdate>
fun loginUser(@Body userRequest: UserRequest):Call<ModifiedLoginResponse>
fun getUPostList(@Body paramsUserList: ParamsUserList):Call<ResponseList>
Activity Class
This functions is used to send the body in request
fun fetch_data() : UserRequest {
val userRequest: UserRequest =
val confirmpassword = conPassword.text
val email = email.text
val password = password.text
val fullname = fullname.text
return userRequest
This Fucntion is used to hit the Api
fun saveUser(userRequest: UserRequest){
val httpLoggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
// val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient().newBuilder().addInterceptor(httpLoggingInterceptor)
val okHttpClient1 = OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(httpLoggingInterceptor)
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val api = retrofit.create(Api::class.java)
api.regsiterUser(userRequest).enqueue(object :Callback<ResponseUpdate>{
override fun onResponse(call: Call<ResponseUpdate>,response: Response<ResponseUpdate>,
) { val responseUpdate = response.body()
val email = responseUpdate?.data?.email
if (response.isSuccessful){
Log.d("this is response ->", email.toString())
override fun onFailure(call: Call<ResponseUpdate>, t: Throwable, ) {
Model Class
public class ResponseUpdate{
private Data data;
private boolean success;
private String text;
public Data getData(){
return data;
public boolean isSuccess(){
return success;
public String getText(){
return text;
public class Data{
private String gender;
private String loginType;
private String androidToken;
private String lif;
private String bio;
private String deviceType;
private String nativeFrom;
private String password;
private String uId;
private Object iosToken;
private String googlePlusId;
private String email;
private String website;
private String isActive;
private String liveIn;
private String qbDialogId;
private String profile;
private String token;
private String qbId;
private String fbId;
private String isPublic;
private String tagline;
private String location;
private String phoneNumber;
private String username;
public String getGender(){
return gender;
public String getLoginType(){
return loginType;
public String getAndroidToken(){
return androidToken;
public String getLif(){
return lif;
public String getBio(){
return bio;
public String getDeviceType(){
return deviceType;
public String getNativeFrom(){
return nativeFrom;
public String getPassword(){
return password;
public String getUId(){
return uId;
public Object getIosToken(){
return iosToken;
public String getGooglePlusId(){
return googlePlusId;
public String getEmail(){
return email;
public String getWebsite(){
return website;
public String getIsActive(){
return isActive;
public String getLiveIn(){
return liveIn;
public String getQbDialogId(){
return qbDialogId;
public String getProfile(){
return profile;
public String getToken(){
return token;
public String getQbId(){
return qbId;
public String getFbId(){
return fbId;
public String getIsPublic(){
return isPublic;
public String getTagline(){
return tagline;
public String getLocation(){
return location;
public String getPhoneNumber(){
return phoneNumber;
public String getUsername(){
return username;
Json Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"u_id": "324",
"username": "shivam",
"profile": "",
"email": "intelhybrid31230@gmail.com",
"location": "",
"website": "",
"lif": "",
"phone_number": "",
"gender": "",
"bio": "",
"tagline": "",
"live_in": "",
"native_from": "",
"password": "d386cef906fde4ccff27cfcdc8385ba4",
"token": "fQkNVUsP3mlBdJuoGe1T6iAD7",
"device_type": "0",
"android_token": "APA91bEAfoucYYgXO_t1ENfJvY2hRXdH5SUFjFDAZL2kgjes_jYyo15tPPI0fYHkLTmuagQbHAth5dmA6uPdpB_dhJhcwt47t9vR2ChldINDmJ5vGmcWcOyUg5Uqc0cR0lflqD3oaoRs",
"ios_token": null,
"login_type": "user",
"fb_id": "",
"google_plus_id": "",
"qb_id": "",
"qb_dialog_id": "",
"is_public": "1",
"is_active": "1"
"text": "Your account register successfully."
I updated My model class May times but i can't find why I'm not getting the response
try like this
fun regsiterUser(
@Field("user_name") userName: String
// Your all fields as per postman call
): Call<ResponseUpdate>