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Select sum of CreationUtcTime , Avg time and count between speed change from 0 in sql query

Here in the data below, I want to get the CreationUTC time sum by calculating time difference when the data is changing and sum all the time differences whenever the speed data changes from 0 and will take that change as an event from idle to running state. I want to calculate sum of all the idle time, average of idle time and count of idle time for this set of data.

Ex: - Like data is changing in 4th row from 0 to 85 I need first set of time difference from row 1st and 5th second from 5th to 11th and last set will be 3. So count becomes 3 avg will be sum of the time differences by 3.

I want this to be performed as sql query and will later i will convert this into .net linq query in my .net code.

Please ignore formatting as I am very novice in stack overflow.

CreationUtcTime Speed AssetId
2022-03-28T23:59:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:58:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:57:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:56:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:55:52 85 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:54:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:53:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:52:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:51:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:50:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:49:52 99 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:48:51 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:47:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:46:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:45:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1
2022-03-28T23:44:52 0 7556d50c-95e5-4cd5-a31d-b4d6c6ab1fb1


  • SELECT CreationUtcTime, Speed, convert(varchar,(CreationUtcTime - LAG(CreationUtcTime) OVER (ORDER BY CreationUtcTime)),108) AS diff     
    FROM assetstatusrecords
    WHERE Speed <> 0.00
    ORDER BY CreationUtcTime

    will give the sum of the time and then you can proceed with count and average of the data easily.