I need to create regex that allows below time values: single digit or double digits and optionally second.
All possible combination for single digit of Hour/Minute/Second:
hh:mm:ss AM/PM
h:m:s AM/PM
hh:m:s AM/PM
h:mm:s AM/PM
Accepted values are:
11:12:59 AM
1:2:3 PM
1:22:30 pm
01:2:00 PM
1:3 PM
I tried some possible combination from, https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/regular-expressions-cookbook/9781449327453/ch04s06.html like:
^([0-1]?\d|2[0-3])(?::([0-5]?\d))?(?::([0-5]?\d))?( )[AaPp][Mm]
But it doesn't work as expected above.
Can you please correct me on above sample or some other regex that allows above possible values.
The regex in the question doesn't make the am/pm optional.
And the minutes/seconds can be 1 group that occurs 1 to 2 times.
^(?:[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3])(?:[:][0-5]?[0-9]){1,2}(?:[ ][APap][Mm])?$
Test on regex101 here