I'm having a hard time sorting my data. Because I am fetching my data using 2 columns. Is there a way where I can sort it in the controller, ajax, model? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
As we can see here, I am fetching all data of test 1. But when I'm fetching it, it is not in ascending order.
My DB:
<div id="testdisplay"></div>
function testfetching(){
var eventID = $('#eventID').val();
// is there a way where i can sort my data here in controller?
// I have tried sorting it using sort($data); but it is not working.
function fetching(){
$entry= $this->matchings->entryfetch();
$data = '';
<div class="card table-hover table-responsive" style="display: flex;">
<table class="mt-3 ml-2" style="">
<th style="float: left;">NO.</th>
<th style="float: left;">ENTRY NAME</th>
foreach($entry as $entry){
$match= $this->matchings->matchfetch($entry->handlerID);
<th style="float: left; page-break-after: always;"><hr style="">'.$entry->handlerID.' '.$entry->entryName.'</th><th> </th> ';
foreach($match as $match){
if($match->handlerIDM === $entry->handlerID){
if($match->handlerM === $entry->entryName){
<tr><td style="float: right; margin-right: 5px;">'.$count.'</td>
$data.='<tbody><tr> <td style="float: right; margin-right: 5px;">'.$count.'</td>
$data .='</table></div>';
echo json_encode($data);
function entryfetch(){
$eventID = $this->input->post('eventID');
$this->db->where('eventID', $eventID);
$query = $this->db->get('entry_test');
return $query->result();
function matchfetch($entryid){
$eventID = $this->input->post('eventID');
$this->db->where('eventID', $eventID);
$this->db->where('handlerIDM', $entryid);
$this->db->or_where('handlerIDW', $entryid);
$this->db->where('eventID', $eventID);
$query = $this->db->get('matching');
return $query->result();
If you're trying to order data that's in two columns of the same table you need to use a UNION.
I'm going with just the columns you've provided at the top of your post and the ones in your queries, hopefully this'll help you get started.
function matchfetch($entryid){
$eventID = $this->input->post('eventID');
return $this->db->query(
'SELECT handlerM AS handler, cockNoM AS cockNo
FROM matching
WHERE eventID = ? AND handlerIDM = ?
SELECT handlertestW AS handler, cockNoW AS cockNo
FROM matching
WHERE eventID = ? AND handlerIDW = ?
ORDER BY cockNo', [
$eventID, $entryID, $eventID, $entryID
Each SELECT query creates a table (one for handlerM+cockNoM and one for handlertestW+cockNoW) and the UNION stacks them:
You can then use ORDER BY to order the resulting table.
are renamed to handler
and cockNoM
are renamed to cockNo
in the resultset, so you'll need to update your controller as well:
foreach($match as $match){
$data.='<tbody><tr><td style="float: right; margin-right: 5px;">'.$count.'</td>';
If you need extra columns in your result set, add them to both SELECT queries.