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Sorting fetched data in controller

I'm having a hard time sorting my data. Because I am fetching my data using 2 columns. Is there a way where I can sort it in the controller, ajax, model? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

enter image description here

As we can see here, I am fetching all data of test 1. But when I'm fetching it, it is not in ascending order.

My DB:

enter image description here


<div id="testdisplay"></div>



function testfetching(){

var eventID = $('#eventID').val();




    // is there a way where i can sort my data here in controller?
    // I have tried sorting it using sort($data); but it is not working. 

         function fetching(){
        $entry= $this->matchings->entryfetch();
        $data = '';

    <div class="card table-hover table-responsive" style="display: flex;">
    <table class="mt-3 ml-2" style="">
    <th style="float: left;">NO.</th>
    <th style="float: left;">ENTRY NAME</th>

        foreach($entry as $entry){
            $match= $this->matchings->matchfetch($entry->handlerID);
            <th style="float: left; page-break-after: always;"><hr style="">'.$entry->handlerID.'&nbsp;'.$entry->entryName.'</th><th>&nbsp;</th>  ';
            foreach($match as $match){

                if($match->handlerIDM === $entry->handlerID){
                if($match->handlerM === $entry->entryName){
<tr><td style="float: right; margin-right: 5px;">'.$count.'</td>

                    $data.='<tbody><tr> <td style="float: right; margin-right: 5px;">'.$count.'</td>

        $data .='</table></div>';

        echo json_encode($data);


 function entryfetch(){
        $eventID = $this->input->post('eventID');
        $this->db->where('eventID', $eventID);
        $query = $this->db->get('entry_test');
        return $query->result();
    function matchfetch($entryid){
        $eventID = $this->input->post('eventID');
        $this->db->where('eventID', $eventID);
        $this->db->where('handlerIDM', $entryid);

        $this->db->or_where('handlerIDW', $entryid);
        $this->db->where('eventID', $eventID);
        $query = $this->db->get('matching');
        return $query->result();


  • If you're trying to order data that's in two columns of the same table you need to use a UNION.

    I'm going with just the columns you've provided at the top of your post and the ones in your queries, hopefully this'll help you get started.


    function matchfetch($entryid){
        $eventID = $this->input->post('eventID');
        return $this->db->query(
            'SELECT handlerM AS handler, cockNoM AS cockNo
            FROM matching
            WHERE eventID = ? AND handlerIDM = ?
            SELECT handlertestW AS handler, cockNoW AS cockNo
            FROM matching
            WHERE eventID = ? AND handlerIDW = ?
            ORDER BY cockNo', [
            $eventID, $entryID, $eventID, $entryID

    Each SELECT query creates a table (one for handlerM+cockNoM and one for handlertestW+cockNoW) and the UNION stacks them:

    enter image description here

    You can then use ORDER BY to order the resulting table.

    handlerM/handlertestW are renamed to handler and cockNoM/cockNoW are renamed to cockNo in the resultset, so you'll need to update your controller as well:


    foreach($match as $match){
        $data.='<tbody><tr><td style="float: right; margin-right: 5px;">'.$count.'</td>';

    If you need extra columns in your result set, add them to both SELECT queries.