In View system there are official examples how to implement loading states and adding header and footer item to the list:
I didn't really found anything similar for Jetpack Compose
Only how to show items
But how can we implement load states in Compose?
We are doing something like this, it works well:
val items by viewModel.pagedItems.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
LazyColumn() {
if (items.loadState.prepend == LoadState.Loading) {
item (key = "prepend_loading") { Loading() }
if (items.loadState.prepend is LoadState.Error) {
item (key = "prepend_error") { Error() }
items(items) {}
// the same thing with items.loadState.append
We also have this extension function to make it a bit easier and remove the noise from LazyColumn
fun LazyListScope.pagingLoadStateItem(
loadState: LoadState,
keySuffix: String? = null,
loading: (@Composable LazyItemScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
error: (@Composable LazyItemScope.(LoadState.Error) -> Unit)? = null,
) {
if (loading != null && loadState == LoadState.Loading) {
key = keySuffix?.let { "loadingItem_$it" },
content = loading,
if (error != null && loadState is LoadState.Error) {
key = keySuffix?.let { "errorItem_$it" },
content = { error(loadState)},
You then use it like this:
val items by viewModel.pagedItems.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
LazyColumn() {
loadState = items.loadState.prepend,
keySuffix = "prepend",
loading = { Loading() },
error = { Error() },
// content
loadState = items.loadState.append,
keySuffix = "append",
loading = { Loading() },
error = { Error() },