I am trying to connect cloudfront with EBS.
Whats the setup?
EBS is hosting a nodeJs application.
Cloudfront origin set to Elastic load balancer and accepts HTTPS only [Cloudfront config]
All Alternative domains are added correctly.
ACM certificate is added to Cloudfront [region US EAST - N.Virgina]
EC2 instance / EBS is in the region Asia Pacific. ACM certificates installed in load balancer are from Asia pacific too.
I am also redirecting http traffic with the help of load balancer listeners.
Security group allows traffic to port 443 . No AWS WAF set.
Origin settings:-
It's been a day now.
I am trying continuously.
I am able to set DNS A & AAA record to the cloudfront using route 53, getting the dropdown value as well.
I am able to park domains directly to EBS & they work over https properly.
Getting 502 ERROR : The request could not be satisfied.
Already tried https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/resolve-cloudfront-bad-request-error/
I doubt my ELB has ACM certificate from Asia Pacific but the ACM certificate used in cloudfront is from US EAST , is that causing the issue? I can't change the EBS region now.
It seems that you did not setup https on your EB. But you are using HTTPS only
origin. That's why it does not work. You have to have origin in http, or actually properly setup https on your EB.