Am new in angular and ngrx store concept(ngrx and angular version is 13).
am trying to call an action form my createEffect
method in effects.ts file
method look like this
loadData$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
ofType('[Data] Load data'),
mergeMap(() => this.myService.getDataApi()
map((data: Data[]) => ({
type: '[Data] Load Success',
payload: { data},
return setData(selectedData),
catchError((error: any) => of({
type: '[Data] Load Failure',
payload: { error },
Here am calling an API called getDataApi
. Once i received the data from back end,setting payod and type.Finally am calling setData
and pass the fist value from response.
SetData action
export const setData = createAction(
'[Data] Set Selected',
props<{ selectedData: Data}>(),
Thanks in advance.
What's up with your code? This is a wrong part obviously:
map((data: Data[]) => ({
type: '[Data] Load Success',
payload: { data},
return setData(selectedData),
Change with:
switchMap((data: Data[]) => setData({ selectedData: data[0] })),