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Android webrtc - Invalid transport parameter in ICE URI

I have deployed the server for streaming

This is the Android app:

If I connect with different browsers, it works but the Android app is crashing. The Android app doesn't seem to create the PeerConnection. The error is : 2021-10-16 19:11:02.802 9157-9459/ A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 9459 (pool-1-thread-1)

I have seen that the reason for this error is this: 2021-10-16 18:47:49.341 32549-32605/ W/ (line 182): Invalid transport parameter in ICE URI: [""]

I do not know how to fix this for Android. I tried different configurations for turn including those with ?transport

"urls": [

What should I do?



  • in apprtc src/app_engine/, urls is a json array

    #   {
    #     "urls": [
    #       "turn:hostname/IpToTurnServer:19305?transport=udp",
    #       "turn:hostname/IpToTurnServer:19305?transport=tcp"
    #     ],
    #     "username": "TurnServerUsername",
    #     "credential": "TurnServerCredentials"
    #   },
    #   {
    #     "urls": [
    #       "stun:hostname/IpToStunServer:19302"
    #     ]
    #   }
    # ]

    but the android app treat it as a json string here

    String url = server.getString("urls");

    so you should change android code to

    private List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServersFromPCConfigJSON(String pcConfig)
          throws JSONException {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(pcConfig);
        JSONArray servers = json.getJSONArray("iceServers");
        List<PeerConnection.IceServer> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.length(); ++i) {
          JSONObject server = servers.getJSONObject(i);
          JSONArray urls = server.getJSONArray("urls");
          String username = server.has("username") ? server.getString("username") : "";
          String credential = server.has("credential") ? server.getString("credential") : "";
          for (int j = 0; j < urls.length(); ++j) {
            String url = urls.getString(j);
            PeerConnection.IceServer turnServer =
        return ret;