The only difference between the .gitignore
is a space at the beginning of a line, and it seems to make the line ignored. Why is the result different. I add the space for alignment.
Git folder tree structure:
└── d1
├── d11
│ ├── f1
│ └── f2
├── d12
│ ├── f1
│ └── f2
└── f1
First .gitignore:
First stageable files:
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: d1/d11/f1
new file: d1/d11/f2
Second .gitignore: (notice the difference in the third rule)
Second stageable files:
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: d1/d11/f1
new file: d1/d11/f2
new file: d1/d12/f1
new file: d1/d12/f2
new file: d1/f1
Here is the image of my execution I expect the outcome should be the same.
The wrong intuition may come from this rule which says nothing about beginning space. I did see the word trailing though.
Trailing spaces are ignored unless they are quoted with backslash ("\").
The difference between d1/*
and d1/*
is that the first ignores everything under the folder named d1
and the second ignores everything under the ' d1'
The reasoning behind this is that folders can start with blank spaces.
So those two .gitignore
files are matching different folders. Hence why the second one includes everything under d1