I want to select grid cells from ERA5 gridded data (surface level only) that are inside geographical masks for North- and South-Switzerland (plus the radar buffer), to calculate regional means. The 4 masks (masks) are given as polygons/multipolygons (polygons) in a shapefile and so far for 2 of the masks I was able to use salem roi to get what I want:
radar_north = salem.read_shapefile('radar_north140.shp')
file_radar_north = file.salem.roi(shape=radar_north)
However, for the radar_south and alpensuedseite shapefiles the code didn´t work at the beginning (wrong selection or shows no data), and now the nothing works anymore (?). I don´t know why, as I have not changed anything from the first time to the second.
If someone sees the issue or knows a different way to mask the ERA data (which is maybe quicker) I would be grateful! (I was unsuccessfull with the answers from similar questions here).
Best Lena
This could work if you are working on netcdf files
import geopandas as gpd
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray
from shapely.geometry import mapping
# load shapefile with geopandas
radar_north = gpd.read_file('radar_north140.shp')
# load ERA5 netcdf with xarray
era = xr.open_dataset('ERA5.nc')
# add projection system to nc
era = era.rio.write_crs("EPSG:4326", inplace=True)
# mask ERA5 data with shapefile
era_radar_north = era.rio.clip(radar_north.geometry.apply(mapping), radar_north.crs)