I am cropping sections from a larger image to be scanned by OCR. The first of two cropped sections is detected ok. Here is a saved jpeg of the first section:
I have this other cropped section which pytesseract is absolutely clueless about:
I use the same code to scan the images:
from PIL import Image
from matplotlib import image
import pytesseract
def get_crop_as_text(page, left, upper, right, lower, debug_out_nm = ''):
img = page.crop((left, upper, right, lower))
# img.save('test_crop' + debug_out_nm + '.jpg', 'JPEG')
txt = str(pytesseract.image_to_string(img))
txt = txt.replace('\n','')
return txt
im = Image.open(dat_file)
id = get_crop_as_text(im, 785, 486, 1492, 589, '_id_')
rrg = get_crop_as_text(im, 1372, 3791, 1482, 3853, '_rrg_')
'id' returns '1001' as expected. The second returns ''.
I have locally saved the crops and then done the scanning of each individual saved file. In that case, the '-2.0' is detected sometimes. Literally from the same file, same method, etc. It is just hit or miss and I can't figure why.
A few notes on what finally worked:
Sorry about the spacing. SO gave some weird reaction when I hit its "code" button.
def get_crop_as_text(page, left, upper, right, lower, debug_out_nm = ''):
CROP_FILE = 'crop.jpg'
reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=False)
txt = ''
img = page.crop((left, upper, right, lower))
width, height = img.size
# img = img.resize((width*10, height*10))
result = reader.readtext(CROP_FILE)
txt = result[0][1]
txt = txt.replace('\n','')
except Exception as e:
return txt