Search code examples

how to use where like in restful api codeigniter 4?

I'm making a reactjs that is connected to a restful api server using codeigniter 4. I want to only show the data where the field username and full_name contains a query string q

this is how my code looks like more or less:

namespace App\Controllers;

use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;
use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;
use App\Models\UserModel;

class Users extends ResourceController
    use ResponseTrait;

    public function index()
        $model = new UserModel();

        $data = [];

        // example uri: http://localhost:8080/users?q=asd
        $qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
        parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
        $searchStr = empty($_GET['q']) ? '' : $_GET['q'];
        if ($searchStr)
            $data = $model->group_start()
                            ->like('username', $searchStr)
                            ->or_like('nama', $searchStr)
            $data = $model->findAll();

        return $this->respond($data);

when the search box in the react js app is empty, all the data is being shown correctly.. but when the search box is not empty, the $data returns an empty array.. is the problem around the group_start() part? how should I fix this?

thanks in advance


  • The problem is , your not using any wild card in your SQL query this is a link to SQL like operation

    also I don't think you don't need to pars query string from URL , just type $_GET['q']

    in this line u had a mistake to :

    $searchStr = empty($_GET['q']) ? '' : $_GET['q']);

    the empty condition is true when u have q in your query . just do it like blow :

    $searchStr = $_GET['q'] ? $_GET['q'] : '' ;

    sample : $myString = condition ? true : false ;

    here is how I don it : Pay attention to the pattern line

    public function index()
            $model = new UserModel();
            $data = [];
            $searchStr = $_GET['q'] ? $_GET['q'] : '' ;
            if ($searchStr)
                $patern = '%'.$searchStr.'%'; // % char represent any char in before and after
                $data = $model->group_start()
                                ->like('username', $patern )
                                ->or_like('nama', $patern )
                $data = $model->findAll();