Today I was struggling with the following scenario (note: all branches were pushed into the remote repository):
git pull
and had the most recent changes in my workspace.git merge
and missed git pull
by mistake.While I was trying to rebase X onto Y using GitHub Desktop, I was getting the following message: "This will update X by applying its C commits on top of Y". However, A != C, and I spend some time googling to understand where the number C was comming from.
Later on, I realized that I was missing the git merge
in branch Y. After executing it, GitHub Desktop rebase tool gave the same message with C == A.
I am not sure from where the number C come from, nor why C == A after the git merge
Any hints?
It's hard to say for certain without exact concrete details why you got the particular results you got. But there's a general rule you can use here: git rebase
is about copying (some) commits to new-and-improved (or supposedly-improved) commits. That is, you already have some existing commits, but there's something you don't like about those commits. That could include any combination of the following (or anything else you might find objectionable about your commits):
To understand how this works, let's start with a quick review of the basics of commits and branch names. Feel free to skip this section if you're already familiar with this part.
Every commit:
The snapshot holds each file in Git's internal, compressed, read-only and de-duplicated form, so that if the contents of any one file in any one commit exactly match the contents of any other file in any commit (including this same one), there's just one copy of those contents. That makes it free to repeatedly commit the same files over and over, as there's really only one copy of each file.
The metadata of each commit holds things like the name and email address of the person who made the commit, some date-and-time-stamps, and so on. Included in this metadata is a list of previous commit hash IDs. Usually this list is just one entry long, and the one entry in this list is the commit's parent (singular). With ordinary commits, this single parent hash ID results in a backwards-looking chain of commits, which we can draw.
Suppose the latest commit (on some branch) has a hash ID we'll call H
for short. Commit H
contains a snapshot and metadata, and the metadata for H
includes the hash ID of some earlier commit, which we'll call G
for short. Commit H
therefore points to earlier commit G
G <-H
But G
is a commit, so it has metadata, which points to some earlier commit F
, which also is a commit, so it has metadata, which ... well:
... <-F <-G <-H
This chain extends on forever, backwards, or rather, extends backwards until we hit the very first commit ever, which—being first—can't point backwards and just doesn't:
(assuming just eight commits in the entire repository).
To quickly find that last commit hash ID, Git uses a branch name. Your branch's name, whatever that name is—let's call it main
for now—contains the actual raw hash ID of commit H
. So the branch name points to H
, at the moment:
...--G--H <-- main
If you have more than one branch name, each name points to one particular commit. That commit is the last commit of this branch, whatever this name is. So, given:
...--G--H <-- develop, main
we know that commit H
is the last commit of both branches. All the commits are on both branches.
Once we check out (or git switch
to) one of these two branches, we're "on" that particular branch. Git remembers which branch we are "on" by attaching the special name HEAD
to one branch name:
...--G--H <-- develop, main (HEAD)
Here we're on branch main
, as git status
would say. We're using commit H
, but we're using it via the name main
. If we run:
git switch develop
we get:
...--G--H <-- develop (HEAD), main
We are still using commit H
, but now we're using it via the name develop
Without worrying about all the details about how we make new commits, let's now make two new commits "on" develop
. The first one, which we'll call commit I
, will point back to existing commit H
, and Git will update the current branch name so that develop
now points to I
instead of H
I <-- develop (HEAD)
...--G--H <-- main
The second new commit J
will point back to what was current commit I
when we made J
, and Git will update develop
to point to J
I--J <-- develop (HEAD)
...--G--H <-- main
Now, for whatever reason and with whatever process, we cause our own Git to add a new commit K
to branch main
. Perhaps we run git switch main
and then git pull
(which brings over some new commit K
and adds it on) and then we git switch develop
again, but in any case we now have:
I--J <-- develop (HEAD)
...--G--H--K <-- main
We now decide we like everything about commits I
and J
, in terms of the changes they make to commit H
and then I
and in terms of the log messages we put in them. But we don't like the fact that they spring from commit H
. We'd prefer to have them spring from commit K
. That is, we want our picture to look like this:
I--J [abandoned]
...--G--H--K <-- main
I'-J' <-- develop (HEAD)
Commit I'
is a new and improved variant of I
: it has the same changes to K
that I
has when we compare I
with H
, and it has the same log message (and author and committer and so on) as I
. But it necessarily has a different hash ID, which makes it I'
instead of I
. Then commit J'
makes the same change to I'
that J
makes to I
, and has the same log message and so on as original commit J
. But commit J'
has a different hash ID, because it's a different commit, with parent I'
, and commit I'
points back to commit K
. That's exactly what we want!
Since we've abandoned the original I-J
sequence, and we find commits by having Git start from the branch name and work backwards, we now see only our copied commits. It is as if commits I
and J
were somehow magically changed. They weren't: they're actually still there, in the repository, and we can see them if we can just find the hash ID of J
That's the motivation for a rebase. Now let's take a look at the mechanism.
1Git's reflogs make this easy, but you don't normally see the reflog contents, so you don't normally see the old semi-abandoned commits. Eventually each reflog entry that remembers an otherwise-abandoned commit expires, though, and then Git may eventually discard the commit for real. In a normal everyday repository, this takes at least a month by default.
git rebase
works on a granular levelTo actually do a rebase, Git needs to:
git cherry-pick
or something equivalent.(There's an optional step 0, "switch to some other branch", which affects step 4 too, and it has what I consider a bug so awful that you should never use step 0: it leaves you "on" the branch it switches to. That is, if you run this kind of rebase, it doesn't matter what branch you're on when you run git rebase torek-does not-recommend-this
. Instead, Git switches to not-recommend-this
and then runs git rebase
and you end up on branch not-recommend-this
. That's too confusing, so don't do that. Run your own git switch
or git checkout
command yourself as "step 0". But if you personally don't find it confusing, feel free to use it.)
Let me briefly touch on git cherry-pick
. I noted above that each commit is a snapshot. It's not a set of changes! And yet, ordinary (non-merge) commits get shown as changes. (Try it: run git show
to see your current commit, shown as changes since its parent, or git log -p
to see each commit shown as changes. Note that git log -p
doesn't bother to show merges as changes: that's too hard.)
Git will show you changes by simply extracting, to two temporary areas (in memory really), the two commits. That is, if we're on commit J
I--J <-- develop (HEAD)
...--G--H--K <-- main
and we run git show
, Git extracts the snapshots for commits I
and J
. For all the files that are the same in these two snapshots, Git does nothing at all (and this goes very fast due to the internal de-duplication: Git sees that file README.txt
, say, in both I
and J
are sharing one underlying copy and doesn't even bother extracting it at all). For the files that are different, though, Git takes the two extracted copies and compares them, line-by-line, playing a sort of game of Spot the Difference. Git then shows you what changed in that file.
Both commits hold a snapshot, but you see a "diff", as if commit J
held changes-since-commit-I
. It doesn't: what you see is a sort of optical illusion or mirage. Git does this because humans find this view more useful than the true view-as-snapshot.
What git cherry-pick
does is to use Git's merge machinery to copy some view-as-a-diff from some commit-pair, such as H
, to some snapshot in some other commit, such as K
. For space reasons, we'll skip all the details except to say that in terms of git merge
, this is a pretend merge with commit H
as the merge base and commit I
as the --theirs
commit, with commit K
as the --ours
commit. This explains why "ours" and "theirs" seem reversed during rebase. (They sort of are, and sort of are not, and it's complicated overall.)
Anyway, let's go back to our diagram:
I--J <-- develop (HEAD)
...--G--H--K <-- main
The commits we want Git to copy are I
and J
, and the place we want Git to put the copies is "after K
The way we specify both of these things to git rebase
is to run:
git rebase main
while we're "on" branch develop
. Git runs an internal equivalent of:
git log main..develop
to find the hash IDs for commits I
and J
(they come out backwards if you do this, so Git actually uses git rev-list --reverse --topo-order
and a bunch of other magic to fix this and to get other special tricks done). Now Git has the list of hash IDs, which it saves somewhere, in a file (because git rebase
may need to quit and then start up again later).
Having listed out the commits to copy, Git then does the internal equivalent of:
git switch --detach main
which gets us this as our picture:
I--J <-- develop
...--G--H--K <-- main, HEAD
The special name HEAD
is no longer attached to any branch. Instead, it points directly to the commit we have checked out.
Git now runs git cherry-pick hash-of-I
, or something more or less equivalent. This copies the H
changes into our working area and into Git's index and uses the updated files to run an internal git commit
. This internal commit re-uses the author and log message information from commit I
(via the saved hash ID, again), which makes new commit I'
I--J <-- develop
...--G--H--K <-- main
I' <-- HEAD
Once that's one, Git runs git cherry-pick hash-of-J
, which copies J
to J'
I--J <-- develop
...--G--H--K <-- main
I'-J' <-- HEAD
All the copying is now done, and Git just needs to yank the name develop
off commit J
and make it point to J'
instead. To do that, Git uses the internal equivalent of git branch -f develop HEAD
, resulting in:
I--J [abandoned]
...--G--H--K <-- main
I'-J' <-- develop, HEAD
and then does an internal git switch develop
(probably during the internal git branch -f
step: they can be combined as git switch -C
) to re-attach HEAD
, giving:
I--J [abandoned]
...--G--H--K <-- main
I'-J' <-- develop (HEAD)
That's the rebase we asked for; Git has done it.
While I was trying to rebase X onto Y using GitHub Desktop ...
GitHub Desktop isn't command-line Git and may do its own things; only someone familiar with GitHub Desktop can say exactly what it will do. But if it doens't automatically reach out to GitHub, so that it winds up doing the same thing regular Git will do here, it will do what regular Git does:
git switch X
git rebase --onto Y <upstream>
For the git rebase main
case, I did not use the --onto
flag. We saw that in that case, Git did:
git log main..develop
Suppose we had this to start with, though:
J <-- feature2 (HEAD)
I <-- feature1
...--G--H--K <-- main
We've decided that commit J
is independent of commit I
, and we'd like to copy J
to a new and improved J'
that comes after K
If we run:
git rebase main
we'll copy commits I
and J
. That's too many. We only want to copy J
. How do we tell Git to run:
git log feature1..feature2
so that it only finds J
, and yet then run:
git switch --detach main
so that J
gets copied after K
? The answer is that we use --onto
git rebase --onto main feature1
This separates out the "what to copy / not to copy" part—in this case, feature1..feature2
—from the "where to put the copies" part.
The --onto
name (or commit hash ID) specifies where to put the copies. That frees up the other name to be different: feature1
, in our case.
Now Git will list out just the one commit, copy the one commit, and yank the branch name around:
J [abandoned]
I <-- feature1
...--G--H--K <-- main
J' <-- feature2 (HEAD)
and we get just what we want.
When you have merge commits in your own repository graph, like this:
/ \
...--G--H M <-- develop (HEAD)
\ /
K--L <-- main
and you choose to run git rebase main
at this point, your Git will discard the merge commit entirely. That is:
git log main..develop
will show commits I
, J
, and M
, but commit M
is a two-parent commit, i.e., a merge commit. The git cherry-pick
command cannot copy a merge commit,2 and so git rebase
does not even try. The rebase command simply leaves out the merge. The result is usually what you want anyway:
/ \
...--G--H M [abandoned]
\ /
K--L <-- main
I'-J' <-- develop (HEAD)
which, when viewed without seeing the abandoned merge and top line, looks like:
...--G--H--K--L <-- main
I'-J' <-- develop (HEAD)
(verify for yourself that these are the same drawings, provided you never look at the three commits we've abandoned!).
Besides not copying any merge commit, git rebase
will also omit other commits:
git patch-id
to decide on these), andgit rebase
command, Git may make use of git merge-base --fork-point
to choose which commit to use as the first commit to copy, rather than using the result of git log upstream..HEAD
.The fork-point stuff gets complicated; see, e.g., Git rebase - commit select in fork-point mode.
2It can, however, fake it, using the -m
option. The -m
option tells git cherry-pick
to pretend that the merge commit has just a single parent (whose "parent number" you specify) and Git then uses the parent as the pseudo-merge-base for the cherry-pick operation. The git rebase
command never uses this mode, though, not even with --rebase-merges