Below is my implementation for Dijkstra's algorithm using heaps (for undirected graphs).
This works just fine for reasonably sized graphs however I am not satisfied by my code for recalculating greedy criterion of nodes connected to the newly explored node.
Here I iterate over all of the items in the heap which doesn't look like a good use of the data structure. Is there a better way to achieve this ?
The graph
is a dictionary which contains for each node (key) a list of nodes connected to it and the length of the edge.
returns [[w_1, l_1],...,[w_k, l_k]]
where there is an edge between v
and w_i
of length l_i
for all i
s between 1 and k. Sort of like an adjacency list.
shortestPath = {1: 0} # Length of the shortest pass from s (labelled 1) to v (v's label = key)
def createHeap():
# Heap contains the greedy criterion for an edge and the label of it's head vertex
heap = []
for k, v in graph.items():
if k in shortestPath:
continue # Ignoring starting vertex
bestScore = 1000000
for (w, length) in v:
if w in shortestPath:
greedyScore = shortestPath[w] + length
if greedyScore < bestScore:
bestScore = greedyScore
hq.heappush(heap, (bestScore, k)) # bestScore used as heap key
return heap
def dijkstra():
heap = createHeap()
for _ in range(n - 1): # For every vertex in graph (other than starting vertex 1)
greedyScore, w = hq.heappop(heap) # Next vertex to be processed
shortestPath[w] = greedyScore
for [v, length] in graph[w]: # Finds the new crossing edges and re-evaluates greedy criterion
if v not in shortestPath:
for item in heap: # better implementation ?
if item[1] == v:
oldScore = item[0]
newScore = min(oldScore, greedyScore + length)
hq.heappush(heap, (newScore, v))
There are several alternative implementations of Dijkstra's algorithm, but none of them need to iterate through the heap, nor remove arbitrary nodes from it, nor re-heapify it repeatedly. All those actions kill the performance benefit that a heap is intended to give.
I would also advise to avoid global variables. Instead pass what is needed as arguments, and let the function dijkstra
return the results.
Here is one of the possible implementations you could use for your graph
data structure:
def dijkstra(graph, start):
distances = {}
heap = [(0, start)]
while heap:
dist, node = hq.heappop(heap)
if node in distances:
continue # Already encountered before
# We know that this is the first time we encounter node.
# As we pull nodes in order of increasing distance, this
# must be the node's shortest distance from the start node.
distances[node] = dist
for neighbor, weight in graph[node]:
if neighbor not in distances:
hq.heappush(heap, (dist + weight, neighbor))
return distances
Example call:
graph = {
"a": (("b", 8), ("c", 3), ("d", 6)),
"b": (("a", 8), ("e", 5)),
"c": (("a", 3), ("d", 2), ),
"d": (("a", 6), ("c", 2), ("e", 5), ("g", 3)),
"e": (("b", 5), ("d", 5), ("f", 5)),
"f": (("e", 5), ("g", 3), ("h", 6)),
"g": (("d", 3), ("f", 3), ("h", 4)),
"h": (("g", 4), ("f", 6))
distances = dijkstra(graph, "a")
{'a': 0, 'c': 3, 'd': 5, 'b': 8, 'g': 8, 'e': 10, 'f': 11, 'h': 12}