I have a div which floats left. Inside the div, I have an image. Following the diff is a paragraph.
I expect the paragraph to wrap around the image but I am seeing plenty of white space.
.class-0-568 {
float: left;
.class-0-569 {
padding-right: 2%;
width: 33%;
.class-0-570 {
line-height: 1.2em;
margin-top: 0.2816004em;
<div class="class-0-568" id="id-0-553">
<img alt="" class="class-0-569" id="id-0-554" src="https://i.postimg.cc/BZYZRfKP/image-0-4.jpg">
<p class="class-0-570" id="id-0-555">These offer a description of who you are</p>
Here is the output of above
If I set the float property to img, then it is working as expected.
I dont understand why. Can someone please help me?
PS: JSFiddle link if anyone wants to play:
I tried inspecting the elements through chrome. Apparently, the div is occupying the extra space. But I dont know why.
Your images width (caused by its class .class-0-569
) is 33%. But that's of its container / parent element, i.e. the floated .class-0-568
Apply the 33% width to the image's parent (.class-0-568
) and 100% width to the image itself:
.class-0-568 {
float: left;
width: 33%;
.class-0-569 {
padding-right: 2%;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
.class-0-570 {
line-height: 1.2em;
margin-top: 0.2816004em;
<div class="class-0-568" id="id-0-553">
<img alt="" class="class-0-569" id="id-0-554" src="https://i.postimg.cc/BZYZRfKP/image-0-4.jpg">
<p class="class-0-570" id="id-0-555">These offer a description of who you are</p>
Addition after comments: The - actually much simpler - alternative is to float the image itself without using a wrapper div:
#id-0-554 {
float: left;
width: 33%;
margin-right: 2%;
.class-0-570 {
line-height: 1.2em;
margin-top: 0.2816004em;
<img alt="" class="class-0-569" id="id-0-554" src="https://i.postimg.cc/BZYZRfKP/image-0-4.jpg">
<p class="class-0-570" id="id-0-555">These offer a description of who you are</p>