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How to write a script to control the projector and cameras connected on the computer?

I am doing some stereo vision experiment, but I have no idea how to set up thoese equipments.

Is there any module in openCV that I can use the control the projector to project any image any time I want? Similarly, how can I control a camera to capture any time I want by codes, or set up a window and recieve the live video captured from the camera?

Is there any framwork or something is designed for this?

By the way, my system is windows.

I have tried google, but there is little information on this, only a win32 tutorial from MS seems talking about accessing the projector connected to the computer. Maybe I have little experience on hardware programming and search the wrong way?


  • Not really so many user-friendly options out there.

    With OpenCV it is possible, but you need to write some code to control the projector (which is seen as a display). You have to project the pattern(s) that you like and capture the images from the camera. For this part, I wrote my own code and you're free to try it here, although it might not work on your system.

    Then, the next step is to process the images with the chosen structured light algorithm. You can find other useful code in the same library.

    Unless you buy a commercial system, programming knowledge is indispensable.

    Good luck with your experiments.