I have a string
string myString = "NotNeeded/ThisTextIsNeeded/NotNeeded";
I just need "ThisTextIsNeeded" and the starting and ending identifiers are same "/". I can use Substring but for that I will need different identifiers. Can anyone please guide me how to do it using similar identifiers in C#.
Edit: The string cannot be necessarily "NotNeeded/ThisTextIsNeeded/NotNeeded". It can also be changed for example "ABC/ThisTextIsNeeded/ABC" or "AAA/APPPP/ABC". I just need any text that comes in between / and /.
1- You can use regex
string regexPattern = @"(?<=\/)(.*?)(?=\/)";
var match = Regex.Match("NotNeeded/ThisTextIsNeeded/NotNeeded", regexPattern);
Output: ThisTextIsNeeded
2- Or, Split
by using "/"
string text = "NotNeeded/ThisTextIsNeeded/NotNeeded";
string[] list = text.Split('/');
Output: list[1]
will be -> ThisTextIsNeeded