I am currently trying to create a script with error handling.
Basically the script tests the ssh connection with this command :
ssh -o BatchMode=yes $machine uname -a
There is 3 potential situation that i want to handle :
file in .ssh
file in .ssh
AND it requires a password to continue (which means the id_rsa.pub
isn't in the authorized_keys
file in .ssh
I have on main script that is calling an expect script here is what the main script looks like :
ssh -o BatchMode=yes ${machine} uname -a &> temp-file.txt 2>&1
# Here we test the ssh connection just once and we store the output of the command in a temp file
if [ $? -eq 255 ]
# If the ssh didn't work
if grep -q "Host key verification failed." temp-file.txt
# If the error message is "Host key verification failed."
expect script-expect-knownhosts.exp ${machine} 2>&1 >/dev/null
And here is the script-expect-knownhosts.exp
file in which i tried to make a condition :
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set machine [lindex $argv 0]
# Here we state that the first argument used with the command will be the $machine variable
set prompt "#|%|>|\$ $"
set timeout 60
spawn ssh $machine
# We do a ssh on the machine
set prompt "#|%|>|\$ $"
expect {
"Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? " {send "yes\r";exp_continue}
# If he asks for a yes/no answer, then answer yes to add the machine to the known_hosts file
-exact "Password: " {send -- "^C";exp_continue}
# If he asks for a password, then send a CTRL + C
-re $prompt {send "exit\r";exp_continue}
# If the prompt shows up (if after the yes/no question, we don't need to put a password in) then type exit
So here is what happens when i execute the expect script with a machine in case number 2 (works just fine):
spawn ssh machine
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
machine:~ # exit
Connection to machine closed.
And here is what happens when i execute the expect script with a machine in case number 3 :
spawn ssh machine
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
And it stays stuck on Password until i manually do a CTRL + C
In cases 2 and 3 you don't need exp_continue
because you are stopping the connection process.
For case 2, I don't think you really want to send a control-C. When you do this interactively, typing control-C has the effect of sending a signal to kill the process you are interacting with. What you really want is to stop the ssh
process, so instead of send -- "^C";exp_continue
you should just do close