I usually work with power bi and all go well on my computer. Yesturday I downloaded it on a virtual machine itself on a Windows server 2019 machine that I connect on using "distant desktop" or whatever you call it to create a dashboard to visualize some data.
The problem I'm having is that it is taking forever (over 10 hours by now) on the " creating connexions in model".
Image is in french but it is pretty usual content:
Any idea where it can come from? Thanks for your help!
Ok, I've found my problem this morning while hanging in the options of the virtual machine.
I had only 1 virtual processor that was always used by other applications and so powerBi could not get nearly as much processing power as needed.
I just changed it and it loaded in seconds...
Conclusion: powerBi speed is based on your processing power, so when working on it, close as much windows as possible on your computer.