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Windows taskbar flashing orange


I dont like it, when the windows taskbar is flashing orange, for example Microsoft Teams if there is a new notification. It disturbs my workflow and breaks my concentration.

Steps done

I tried to remove the orange flashing with the following:

  • Windows + R -> Regedit
  • Go to Directory Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • Change ForegroundFlashCount and ForegroundLockTimeout to value 0
  • Restart Computer

ForegroundFlashCount and ForegroundLockTimeout in Regedit

Wished Behavior

It would be best if the symbol did not blink at all, but it would also be nice if it only blinked once when there was a new notification.


  • If I remember correctly, 0 is invalid and Windows will ignore it, so just use 1. And don't zero the foreground lock, or any program would steal your window focus, thus indeed break your workflow.