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R plotly separate functional legends

I want to produce a plot via R plotly with independent legends while respecting the colorscale.

This is what I have:


X <- data.frame(xcoord = 1:6,
                ycoord = 1:6,
                score  = 1:6,
                gender = c("M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F"),
                age = c("young", "old", "old", "old", "young", "young"))

plot_ly(data = X, x = ~xcoord, y = ~ycoord, split = ~interaction(age, gender),
        type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
        marker = list(color = ~score,
                      colorbar = list(len = .5, y = .3)))

This is the outcome:

As you can see, the colorbar is messed up and the two categories are entangled.

I need to have separate legends for age (young vs old) and gender (M vs F), that can be clicked independently from one another. This would be the expected outcome:
expected outcome

Edit 1
This is the equivalent with ggplot2:

gg <- ggplot(X, aes(x = xcoord, y = ycoord)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = score, shape = gender, alpha = age), size = 5) +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c("M" = 19, "F" = 19)) +
  scale_alpha_manual(values = c("young" = 1, "old" = 1))


It does display correctly in ggplot, but breaks when applying ggplotly().

Please note that I would favor a solution with the native plotly plot, rather than a post hoc ggplotly() fix as has been proposed in other posts.

Edit 2
Although the current answers do disentangle the two legends (age and gender), they are not functional. For instance, if you click on the young level, the whole age legend will be toggled on/off. The objective here is that each sub level of each legend can be toggled independently from the others, and that by clicking on the legend's levels, the dot will show/hide accordingly.


  • Plotly does not seem to easily support this, since different guides are linked to multiple traces. So deselecting e.g. "old" on an "Age" trace will not remove anything from the separate set of points from the "Gender" trace.

    This is a workaround using crosstalk and a SharedData data object. Instead of (de)selecting plotly traces, this uses filters on the dataset that is used by plotly. It technically achieves the selection behaviour that is requested, but whether or not it is a working solution depends on the final application. There are likely ways to adjust the styling and layout to make it more plotly-ish, if the mechanism works for you.

    #SharedData object used for filters and plot
    shared <- SharedData$new(X) 
      widths = c(2, 10),
                                    label = "Age",
                                    sharedData = shared, 
                                    group = ~age),
                                    label = "Gender",
                                    sharedData = shared, 
                                    group = ~gender)
       plot_ly(data = shared, x = ~xcoord, y = ~ycoord,
               type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
               marker = list(color = ~score,
                             colorbar = list(len = .5, y = .3),
                             cmin = 0, cmax = 6)) %>%
          xaxis = list(range=c(.5,6.5)),
          yaxis = list(range=c(.5,6.5))

    enter image description here

    Edit: initialize all checkboxes as "checked"

    I only managed to do this by modifying the output HTML tags. This produces the same plot, but has all boxes checked at the beginning.

    out <- crosstalk::bscols(...) #previous output object
    out_tags <- htmltools::renderTags(out)
    #check all Age and Gender checkboxes
    out_tags$html <- stringr::str_replace_all(
      '(<input type="checkbox" name="(Age|Gender)" value=".*")/>',
      '\\1 checked="checked"/>'
    out_tags$html <- HTML(out_tags$html)
    # view in RStudio Viewer
    #or from Rmd chunk