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Powershell: How to pick 1 result of many from Invoke-Sqlcmd Select statement

When I run a SELECT statement using Invoke-Sqlcmd, I'd like to choose 1 out of X results to move forward with a loop. In the example below, I have multiple results for 'Bob' and I'd like to choose the appropriate one to continue working with the query to update his favFood (I know I don't have the code there but just giving an example of what I have so far)

$nameList = $(Write-Host "Enter a list of Names seperated by a comma (ex.`"Bob, Rick, Jordan\`"): " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline; Read-Host)
$nameList = $nameList.Split(', ')

ForEach ($element in $nameList)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Server Server01 -database People -Query `    "SELECT  firstName, lastName, address, favFood`
FROM People `    WHERE firstName = '$element'" }

Is there a way I can list a first name and have the program ask me which of X results I'd like to update?

I'm honestly a bit stumped on how to choose the specific row/person out of X results to update.

Small side-note/bonus points: When running the program it complains about a "Missing argument in parameter list." as I'm writing down the names even though it will accept and return results as expected (I am separating the names by a space and comma ex. "Bob, Ross, Jay"


  • In theory you don't need a loop at all, you could use the SQL IN operator and pass all the names of $nameList to your query. Then once you have stored the $result of your query, you can use Out-GridView -PassThru to have a popup DataGridView for you to choose a row, which would be stored in $choice.

    Write-Host 'Enter a list of Names seperated by a comma (ex."Bob, Rick, Jordan"): ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
    $nameList = (Read-Host).Split(',').Trim()
    # $namelist would become Bob','Rick','Jordan
    $nameList = $nameList -join "','"
    $result = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Server Server01 -Database People -Query @"
    SELECT firstName, lastName, address, favFood
    FROM People WHERE firstName IN ('$namelist');
    $choice = $result | Out-GridView -PassThru