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Using a private image from Artifact Registry in CircleCI

I'm trying to set up CI/CD with CircleCI and I'd like the base image of my pipelines to be a custom made CI/CD image which lives in Artifact Registry. I'm having trouble figuring out how to properly authenticate CircleCI when pulling the base image for a job.

I've looked at both the CirlceCI docs for authenticated pulls and the Artifact Registry docs for authentication and I can't figure out how to put the two puzzle pieces together. It seems CircleCI requires some sort of password or access-key while Artifact Registry requires either glcoud for direct docker configuration (gcloud auth configure-docker) access token generation OR interactive docker logins (cat KEY-FILE | docker login -u KEY-TYPE --password-stdin \

How can I use a private docker image in Artifact Registry as the base for a job in CircleCI?


  • Figured it out:

    1. make a service account json key from the Cloud console
    2. make a project level secret called GOOGLE_APPLICATIONS_CREDENTIALS in CircleCI with the key made in step 1
    3. Put the following config in your CircleCI yaml file:
          - image:<PROJECT>/<REPOSITORY>/<IMAGE>
              username: _json_key

    If you base64 encode your service account key, use _json_key_base64 as the username. Note that the password is the name of the secret we made in step 2.