I have a text area to user to insert text, but if the user type {{name}}, {{nickname}} and {{email}}. It must show the message with that value. Let me demonstrate: For example: If user type: Hello, {{name}} has {{nickname}} and {{email}} the message must be like this: Hello, user A has nickname A and [email protected].
This is my blade view:
// User insert text here
<textarea name="content" value=""></textarea>
My controller:
// My controller did not work, but I want to know how to use explode
$content = $request->input('content');
$new_content = explode($content, '{{name}}', '{{nickname}}', '{{email}}');
This is an approach I've used in a number of projects to allow template input and functions that return replacements.
here, $subject is the text being modified.
foreach($matches as $match) {
$func = 'replace_'.$match[1];
if(method_exists($this,$func)) {
$subject = str_replace($match[0], $this->$func($match), $this->subject);
You can then create functions that start with replace_
and return the string to be inserted in the original message
public function replace_name($match)
return $$this->user->name;