I am making a carousel with cross fade animation which I am using AnimatedSwitcher with FadeTransition to achieve such effect. The effect is fine but I want the carousel to be swipeable. I had tried PageView but I do not want the slide animation. Does anyone have any solution to this? Please Help. Thanks in advance.
The custom carousel I currently use.
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
transitionBuilder: (Widget child, Animation<double> animation) {
return FadeTransition(child: child, opacity: animation);
child: Image.asset(
key: ValueKey<int>(currentIndex),
If you do not want slide animation, do not use PageView
Stick with your current implementation with AnimationSwitcher
. If you want to add gesture support, wrap it with GestureDetector
and listen on the onHorizontalDrag...
or onVerticalDrag...