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Save beep sound in a .wav file

I generaed a beep sound in Python, that exists for 5ms, and repeats after every 1s, for next 10s.

The codes are as such:

## Import modules
import time
import sys
import winsound
import soundfile as sf 

## Set frequency and duration of beep sound
frequency = 37  
duration  =  5   # duration of beep sound is 5ms

for i in range(1,10):                                   # create beep sound for 10s

    ## Create beep sound for 5 ms, after every 1 s
    winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)
    time.sleep(1)                                       # Repeat beep sound after 1s

Now, I want to save this pattern in a .wav file. Hence, I changed the codes as such:

## Import modules

import time
import sys
import winsound
import soundfile as sf 

## Set frequency and duration of beep sound
frequency = 37  
duration  =  5    # duration of beep sound is 5ms 

for i in range(1,10):  # create beep spund for 10 s

    ## Create beep sound for 5 ms, after every 1 s
    winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)

## Save the beep spund as a .wav file
sf.write("Beep.wav", winsound.Beep(frequency, duration))

However, I keep geeting errors.

Can somebady please let me know how do I save this in a .wav file ?


  • The error is this:

    write() missing 1 required positional argument: 'samplerate'

    from the docs here:

    we can see that the function requires 3 arguments:

    sf.write('new_file.flac', data, samplerate)

    The code in the question has provided only two arguements.

    The 3 arguements are:

    1. file (str or int or file-like object)
    2. data (array_like)
    3. samplerate (int)

    It samplerate is missing.

    With the docs given, this works:

    ## Import modules
    import time
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    import winsound
    import soundfile as sf 
    ## Set frequency and duration of beep sound
    frequency = 37  
    duration  =  5    # duration of beep sound is 5ms 
    for i in range(1,10):  # create beep spund for 10 s
        ## Create beep sound for 5 ms, after every 1 s
        winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)
    ## Save the beep spund as a .wav file
    file = 'G:\\My Drive\\darren\\02_programming\python\\tests\\Beep.wav'
    with sf.SoundFile(file, 'w', 44100, 2, 'PCM_24') as f:
        f.write(np.random.randn(10, 2))