when I assign Signal F the complement of Signal B in a process like this:
architecture V1 of E is
signal B: bit;
process (A) begin
F<=not b;
end process;
end architecture;
then F will hold the old negated value of B in the first cycle.
But why doesn't the same hold for this example where I'm just using concurrent statements?
architecture V1 of E is
signal B : bit;
F<=not b;
end architecture;
When I'm thinking of the Hardware components F will receive the signal from B so in the first cycle F should also hold the old negated value of B?
Concurrent signal assignments are just shorthand for processes. Your second code is the same as:
B <= A;
end process;
F <= not b;
end process;
The reason why the behavior differs is that with your first code the process resumes only when signal A
changes while with the second each process resumes each time the signal in its sensitivity list changes.