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Swift: Initializer 'init(_:rowContent:)' requires that 'HealthStat' conform to 'Identifiable'

I'm receiving an error from Xcode that my List:

List(viewModel.stats) { stat in
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Text(viewModel.value(from: stat.stat).desc)
            Text(, style: .date).opacity(0.5)

Is not conforming to Identifiable:

Initializer 'init(_:rowContent:)' requires that 'HealthStat' conform to 'Identifiable'

I looked at my HealthStat File

import Foundation
import HealthKit

struct HealthStat {
    let id = UUID()
    let stat: HKQuantity?
    let date: Date

I have the stat declared, so I'm not sure why it's giving out to me. I'm fairly new to Swift so it's probably something I overlooked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Change

    struct HealthStat


    struct HealthStat: Identifiable 

    Protocol adoption is not some accidental quality that accrues implicitly because a type happens to match the protocol requirements. It's all about explicit declaration of the type. If you don't say your type adopts a protocol, it doesn't.