I have the following pd.DataFrame():
df = pd.DataFrame({'fruit': ['carrot','carrot','apple','apple', 'tomato'],
'taste': ['sweet','sweet','sweet','bitter','bitter'],
'quality': ['good','poor','rotten','good','good']})
Which looks like this:
fruit taste quality
0 carrot sweet good
1 carrot sweet poor
2 apple sweet rotten
3 apple bitter good
4 tomato bitter good
I apply grouby and agg like this:
taste quality
apple [sweet, bitter] [rotten, good]
carrot [sweet, sweet] [good, poor]
tomato [bitter] [good]
But what I want is:
taste quality
apple [sweet, bitter] [rotten, good]
carrot sweet [good, poor]
tomato bitter good
In words: I want to only aggregate the entries that have multiple different values, but when the list only contains the same unique item, I want it to just contain said item. Is there a nice way of doing this (preferable by not going through all cells of the df, mine is rather big, but perhaps it is the only way?)? Apologies if I'm unclear, I struggle to express this in words (hence the difficult title also).
Thank you in advance.
Use custom lambda function for remove duplicates by set
s with convert unique values to scalars:
f = lambda x: list(set(x)) if len(set(x)) > 1 else x.iat[0]
df = df.groupby('fruit').agg(f)
print (df)
taste quality
apple [sweet, bitter] [rotten, good]
carrot sweet [poor, good]
tomato bitter good
If ordering is important:
f = lambda x: list(dict.fromkeys(x)) if len(set(x)) > 1 else x.iat[0]
df = df.groupby('fruit').agg(f)
print (df)
taste quality
apple [sweet, bitter] [rotten, good]
carrot sweet [good, poor]
tomato bitter good