I try to solve the convex problem on page 20 presented in this paper
In my opinion, the objective is convex.
cvxpy version 1.1.18
prob is DCP: False
it reports
xception has occurred: DCPError Problem does not follow DCP rules. Specifically: The objective is not DCP. Its following subexpressions are not: 0.004 / (power(var1[0], 0.5) + power(var1[0], 0.5)) 0.004 / (power(var11, 0.5) + power(var11, 0.5))
my code is
K = 1000
KK = 500
delta = 1/(1000)*2
a = cp.Variable(KK)
b = cp.Variable(KK+1,nonneg=True)
tau = cp.Variable((KK,7))
print('create problem')
print('cvx version')
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum([2*delta/(cp.sqrt(b[i])+cp.sqrt(b[i+1])) for i in range(KK)])),
a concise example reports the same problem
import copy as cp
# A non-DCP problem.
prob = cp.Problem(\
cp.Minimize( cp.sum([1/(cp.sqrt(x[i]) +cp.sqrt(x[i+1])) for i in range(K)]) )\
print( "prob is DCP:", prob.is_dcp())
print('be solving by cvxpy')
except Exception as e:
Use cp.inv_pos(u)
instead of 1/u