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Using Topics and Acknowledgment with RabbitMq

I have been trying to use RabbitMq instead of using Kafka. I am a beginner for using RabbitMq. How can I change this KafkaListener event to RabbitMQListener?

I have been trying to find out, but I could not. I need to change this listener for RabbitMQ.


     private final KafkaTemplate<String, Object> kafkaTemplate;
          public AccountEventProducer(KafkaTemplate<String, Object> kafkaTemplate) {
            this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;
          public void produce(String topic, BaseEvent event) {
            this.kafkaTemplate.send(topic, event);


            @KafkaListener(topics = "AccountOpenedEvent", groupId = "${}")
            public void consume(AccountOpenedEvent event, Acknowledgment ack) {

Can anyone help me?


  • To use rabbitmq on the producer side, follow the steps below:
    1. The first step is to add dependencies:
        <artifactId>spring-clenter code hereoud-starter-stream-rabbit</artifactId>
    2. The second step is to configure the connection to rabbitmq in the yml file:
        host: localhost
        password: guest
        port: 5672
        username: guest
        queue: user.queue
        routingkey: user.routingkey
    3. In the third step, create a class to configure the required beans :
    public class ProducerConfig {   
      public Queue queue(){
        return new Queue("user.queue", false);
      public TopicExchange topicExchange(){
        return new TopicExchange ( "" );
      public Binding binding(Queue queue, TopicExchange topicExchange){
        return BindingBuilder.bind( queue).to( topicExchange).with( "user.routingkey" );
      public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() {
        return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
      public AmqpTemplate rabbitTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
         final RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate( connectionFactory);
         return rabbitTemplate;
    5. The last step is to create a service on the producer side to submit a request to rabbitmq
      AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; 
      public void send(Object requestEvent){
        amqpTemplate.convertAndSend( "","user.routingkey",requestEvent );
        System.out.println("Send messages successfully.");
    To use rabbitmq on the consumer side, follow the steps below:
    1. first do steps 1 and 2 of the producer side, after that  create a service  to read the message:
    @RabbitListener(queues = "user.queue")
      public void getMessage(Object requestEvent){
    2. The second step is create a class to configure the required beans
    public class ConsumerConfig {
    public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() {
      return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();