I've created a signup form for my app and I've setup the domain association and it's all working exactly as I expected when I run it on a real iOS device. When I land on the Username field, I can choose to auto-fill it and the password or I can tap the key icon and browse the keychain.
But... it doesn't work in the simulator. I get:
2020-05-25 17:27:18.699136-0400 Detail[80182:28631661] [AutoFill] Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: ......... due to error: iCloud Keychain is disabled
I haven't been able to figure out how to enable the iCloud keychain within the simulator.
Am I wrong to assume that I should be able to test password autofill in the simulator?
To enable Password AutoFill in the iOS 15 simulator, You need to:
After following these steps, the Password AutoFill UI should appear in the QuickType area of the keyboard when you tap a username or password textfield.
Associated Domains is a device only feature, so when it comes to testing that the correct domain appears in the Password AutoFill area of the keyboard, you need to use a real device.