I am having a complicated SQL problem in PostgreSQL.
Suppose I have a large table called 'selling_prices'. It contains around 19 million rows. I want to remove some duplicate rows and also update some data. Here is the table structure:
seq | customer_co_cd | item_sku | seliing_tanka_rate | updatedate |
1 | 1414343 | sku001 | 0.4 | 2021-01-18 14:34:48 |
2 | 1414343 | sku001 | 0.4 | 2021-01-18 14:34:48 |
3 | 1414343 | sku001 | 0.4 | 2021-01-16 01:34:48 |
4 | 1512333 | sku002 | 0.2 | 2021-01-16 01:34:48 |
5 | 1512333 | sku002 | 0.5 | 2021-01-16 01:34:48 |
and so on....
Condition 1: If the customer_co_cd and item_sku and selling_tanka_rate is same update the latest updatedate to '2021/11/12' and delete the other data.
After the SQL table should be like: delete seq(2,3) and update seq 1
seq | customer_co_cd | item_sku | seliing_tanka_rate | updatedate |
1 | 1414343 | sku001 | 0.4 | 2021-11-12 00:00:00 |
Condition 2: If the (customer_co_cd and item_sku) is same and selling_tanka_rate is different then get the data as group
customer_co_cd | item_sku | count |
1512333 | sku002 | 2 |
I tried some query using group by but it is slow...
SELECT customer_co_cd, item_sku, COUNT(*)
FROM selling_prices
GROUP BY customer_co_cd,item_sku
I don't know how to query the condition 1. Also what is the efficient way to get condition 2. Keep in mind that there are around 19 million data.
Should I create a script or is there a efficient query I can use.
This should answers your needs (result here)
select * from t1 order by seq;
-- Update first
with t2 as (
row_number() over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate order by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate,seq) as rn,
lead(seliing_tanka_rate) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku order by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seq) as lead,
from t1)
update t1
set updatedate = '20211112'
from t2
where t2.seq = t1.seq and t2.rn = 1
and t2.seliing_tanka_rate = t2.lead;
-- delete to keep the wanted records
with t2 as (select row_number() over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate order by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate,seq) as rn,* from t1)
from t1
where seq in (select seq from t2 where rn > 1);
select * from t1 order by seq;
-- Condition 2
with t2 as (
select *,
lead(customer_co_cd) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku) as co_cd,
lead(item_sku) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku) as sku,
lead(seliing_tanka_rate) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku) as rate
from t1
select customer_co_cd,item_sku,
count(*) filter (where customer_co_cd = t2.co_cd and item_sku = t2.sku and seliing_tanka_rate <> t2.rate) + 1 as count
from t2
group by customer_co_cd,item_sku
having count(*) filter (where customer_co_cd = t2.co_cd and item_sku = t2.sku and seliing_tanka_rate <> t2.rate) + 1 > 1