I am new in Linq query. I just want to make my filtering dynamic if 1 of the fields or more in image attached is/are null:
Since I am used to hardcode query, I can't derive the code if I only choose of those 3 items above. How to make this code below become dynamic?
var query = db1.sub_project.Where
(x =>
(x.sub_project_id == Geotagging_SP_ID && x.sub_project_id != null) &&
(x.sub_project_name == sub_project_name && x.sub_project_name != null) &&
(x.cycle_id == Cycle && x.cycle_id != null) &&
(x.prov_code == Province && x.prov_code != null) &&
(x.region_code == Region && x.lib_regions.region_code != null) &&
(x.city_code == Municipality && x.city_code != null) &&
(x.brgy_code == Barangay && x.brgy_code != null) &&
(x.lib_project_type.major_classification_id == major_classification_id && x.lib_project_type.major_classification_id != null) &&
((x.final_physical_accomplishment >= final_physical_accomplishment_From && x.final_physical_accomplishment != null) && (x.final_physical_accomplishment <= final_physical_accomplishment_To && x.final_physical_accomplishment != null)) &&
(x.mode_id == mode_ids && x.mode_id != null) &&
(x.project_type_id == Project_Type && x.project_type_id != null)
).Select(x => new
PkID = x.ID,
Geotagging_SP_ID = x.sub_project_id,
sub_project_name = x.sub_project_name,
Project_Type = x.lib_project_type.Name,
Project = x.lib_modality.name,
last_updated_date = x.last_updated_date,
created_date = x.created_date,
sql_Tuning_Final_physical = x.lib_physical_status.Name,
sql_Tuning_Final_Physical_Accomplishment = x.final_physical_accomplishment,
Cycle = x.lib_cycle.cycle_name,
Region = x.lib_regions.region_name,
Province = x.lib_provinces.prov_name,
Municipality = x.lib_cities.city_name,
Barangay = x.lib_brgy.brgy_name
result = query;
Thank you.
To perform the filtering, define all your input parameters as nullable, for example:
public class FilteringParameters
public int? Geotagging_SP_ID { get; set; }
public string sub_project_name { get; set; }
//other properties
Then check all the parameters of your filter in your method as follows: If the opposition is Null or Empty, filter your query based on it. Finally, call the ToList or ToListAsync method.
public async Task<List<ProjectViewModel>> GetProjectsAsync(FilteringParameters parameters)
var query = db1.sub_project.AsQueryable();
if (parameters.Geotagging_SP_ID != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.sub_project_id == parameters.Geotagging_SP_ID);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters.sub_project_name))
query = query.Where(x =>x.sub_project_name == parameters.sub_project_name);
if(parameters.Cycle != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.cycle_id == parameters.Cycle);
//check other filtering parameters
var result = await query.Select(x => new ProjectViewModel
PkID = x.ID,
Geotagging_SP_ID = x.sub_project_id,
sub_project_name = x.sub_project_name,
Project_Type = x.lib_project_type.Name,
Project = x.lib_modality.name,
last_updated_date = x.last_updated_date,
created_date = x.created_date,
sql_Tuning_Final_physical = x.lib_physical_status.Name,
sql_Tuning_Final_Physical_Accomplishment = x.final_physical_accomplishment,
Cycle = x.lib_cycle.cycle_name,
Region = x.lib_regions.region_name,
Province = x.lib_provinces.prov_name,
Municipality = x.lib_cities.city_name,
Barangay = x.lib_brgy.brgy_name
return result;