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How to include code attribute in parse_arg?

I have the following code:

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Gobblet game")
parser.add_argument("code", metavar = "CODE", type=str, help= "Player code")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--lister", action="store_true", help= "Lists existing games")
attrib = parser.parse_args()

When I do print(attrib), an error prompt tells me that the the CODE argument is required. Where does this argument need to be placed in my code for this to create a Namespace of the player's code?


  • You've added mandatory positional argument to your code with this line:

    parser.add_argument("code", metavar = "CODE", type=str, help= "Player code")

    That means your script needs to be called with at least one non-option argument. That is, if your script is called, you would need to call it like this:

    python <player_code_goes_here>


    python --lister <player_code_goes_here>

    If you call parser.parse_args() and your command line doesn't have a non-option argument, it will fail as you've described.

    If you intended code to be an option (like --code), you would need:

    parser.add_argument("--code", metavar = "CODE", type=str, help= "Player code")