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How to generate all possible combinations from list elements in Python having Pandas DataFrames in list?

Good afternoon! I have a list of lists in Python. Example:

mylist = [['a', 'b', 'c'],
          [1, 2],
          [df1, df2]]

df1, df2 are Pandas DataFrames. I want to generate result similar to itertools.product(*mylist).

The problem is that Pandas DataFrames are iterables themselves, so the result which product returns is not what I want. I want:

[('a', 1, df1),
 ('a', 1, df2),
 ('a', 2, df1),
 ('a', 2, df2),
 ('b', 1, df1),
 ('b', 1, df2),
 ('b', 2, df1),
 ('b', 2, df2),
 ('c', 1, df1),
 ('c', 1, df2),
 ('c', 2, df1),
 ('c', 2, df2)]

But product, of course, can not generate the desired ouptut, since it begins to iterate over df1 and df2 columns. How can I solve this problem in an elegant and Pythonic way?

Any help appreciated


  • Are you sure? product() iterates over the iterables passed to, it but only one level deep.

    >>> from itertools import product
    >>> mylist = [[1, 2], ['a', 'b'], [[4, 6], [8, 9]]]
    >>> for x in product(*mylist):
    ...     print(x)
    (1, 'a', [4, 6])
    (1, 'a', [8, 9])
    (1, 'b', [4, 6])
    (1, 'b', [8, 9])
    (2, 'a', [4, 6])
    (2, 'a', [8, 9])
    (2, 'b', [4, 6])
    (2, 'b', [8, 9])

    See? That [4, 6] and [8, 9] are themselves iterables is irrelevant to product().