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Oracle SQL - need help converting from one date value EFF_DT to a date range of START_EFF_DT and END_EFF_DT with unique criteria

I've hit the wall with this query and i'm asking for any assistance on this one

Background: I need to create a query that identifies all the "Unpaid" work days based on the data that is available in our Oracle database

Our Time & Labour tracking data contains only 1 date column (EFF_DT) representing "work date"

A simplified version of the raw table looks like below:

1111 2022/03/01 UNPAID
1111 2022/03/02 REG_WORK
1111 2022/03/03 REG_WORK
1111 2022/03/04 UNPAID
1111 2022/03/05 UNPAID
1111 2022/03/06 SICK
1111 2022/03/07 SICK
1111 2022/03/08 UNPAID
1111 2022/03/09 UNPAID
1111 2022/03/10 UNPAID

What I need to do is to filter for only the "UNPAID" rows and then I need to identify the "range" of start/end work dates of the unpaid leave

So the expected results would need to look like the following:

1111 2022/03/01 2022/03/01
1111 2022/03/04 2022/03/05
1111 2022/03/08 2022/03/10

How should I approach designing this SQL for the crystal report that needs to be created?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • For users on older versions of Oracle Database (before version 12.1), who cannot use the match_recognize clause, here is a solution using just analytic functions and a very nice method for identifying gaps and islands, known as the "fixed differences" or "tabibito-san" method. The trick is the creation of the additional grouping expressions, labeled grp, in the helper subquery (which for ease of reading I set off in a with clause).

      prep as (
        select eeid, work_dt, paycode,
               row_number() over (partition by eeid          order by work_dt) 
             - row_number() over (partition by eeid, paycode order by work_dt) 
               as grp
        from   time_labor
    select eeid, min(work_dt) as start_eff_dt, max(work_dt) as end_eff_dt
    from   prep
    group  by eeid, paycode, grp
    having paycode = 'UNPAID'
    order  by eeid, start_eff_dt

    The sample data (for testing) and the output from this query can be found in the other answer, which uses match_recognize (Oracle versions >= 12.1 only)