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Moving average in Arduino IDE with distance sensor

I was reviewing previous questions related to my topic, I found this: Moving average in C++ with arduino

The problem I have is very similar, but I want to relize distance averages every 150 seconds from a vl6180x adafruit distance sensor.

Average the first 150 seconds, print the result, then from the second 151 to 300 print the result and have it continue averaging my code.

I tried to do the same thing that is in the link I posted with my problem and I could not compile the code (I am programming from the Arduino IDE, and I am a beginner). My goal is to reduce the signal noise with moving average. My code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_VL6180X.h"
#define BUF_SIZE 15

Adafruit_VL6180X vl = Adafruit_VL6180X();
float array_calculate_avg(int * buf, int len);

int   buf[BUF_SIZE]   = {0};
int   buf_index       = 0;
float buf_avg         = 0.0;
int len

void setup() {

  // wait for serial port to open on native usb devices
  while (!Serial) {
  Serial.println("Adafruit VL6180x test!");
  if (! vl.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Failed to find sensor");
    while (1);
  Serial.println("Sensor found!");

void loop() {

   // Reset the index and start over.
    if (BUF_SIZE == buf_index)
        buf_index = 0;

    buf[buf_index++] = vl.readRange();

    buf_avg = array_calculate_avg(buf, BUF_SIZE);

    Serial.print(buf_avg, 4);

  float lux = vl.readLux(VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_5);

  Serial.print("Lux: "); Serial.println(lux);
  uint8_t  range = vl.readRange();
  uint8_t  status = vl.readRangeStatus();

  if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_NONE) {
    Serial.print("Range: "); Serial.println(range);

  // Some error occurred, print it out!
  if  ((status >= VL6180X_ERROR_SYSERR_1) && (status <= VL6180X_ERROR_SYSERR_5)) {
    Serial.println("System error");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_ECEFAIL) {
    Serial.println("ECE failure");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_NOCONVERGE) {
    Serial.println("No convergence");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_RANGEIGNORE) {
    Serial.println("Ignoring range");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_SNR) {
    Serial.println("Signal/Noise error");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_RAWUFLOW) {
    Serial.println("Raw reading underflow");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_RAWOFLOW) {
    Serial.println("Raw reading overflow");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_RANGEUFLOW) {
    Serial.println("Range reading underflow");
  else if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_RANGEOFLOW) {
    Serial.println("Range reading overflow");

array_calculate_avg(int * buf, int len);
    int sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        sum += buf[i];

    return ((float) sum) / ((float) len);

My native language is not English. Apologies if I have gross grammatical errors :/


  • Your loop() function is missing a closing brace } right before the float array_calculate_avg(int * buf, int len); line which, btw, also has a semicolon ; at the end, which it shouldn't.