I'm trying to check if a string is palindrome in python using deque. But the code below just checks a string with no space, how can I adjust it to a code which handles strings with spaces as well? e.g: It only works if I write the input as "BORROWORROB" but not when it's "BORROW OR ROB"
from pythonds.basic import Deque
def isPalindrome(word):
if word is None:
return False
if len(word) <= 1:
return True
DQ = Deque()
for w in word:
while (DQ.size() > 1):
front = DQ.removeFront()
rear = DQ.removeRear()
if front != rear:
return False
return True
def readInput():
inp = input("Enter string: ")
return inp
word = readInput()
print ("Is \"{}\" a palindrome: {}".format(word, isPalindrome(word)))
You have to remove white spaces before starting the logic of the function:
from pythonds.basic import Deque
def isPalindrome(word):
word = word.replace(" ", "")
if word is None:
return False
if len(word) <= 1:
return True
DQ = Deque()
for w in word:
while (DQ.size() > 1):
front = DQ.removeFront()
rear = DQ.removeRear()
if front != rear:
return False
return True
def readInput():
inp = input("Enter string: ")
return inp
word = readInput()
print ("Is \"{}\" a palindrome: {}".format(word, isPalindrome(word)))