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pythonpython-3.xdiscorddiscord.pybots move all members from one voice channel to another

I made two working bot commands, one that get id's from users connected to a voice channel and the other one move single members to another channel. How can i automate the process? I need to move every member without typing the username on discord chat

Thanks in advance

async def move(ctx, channel : discord.VoiceChannel, *members: discord.Member):
    for member in members:
        await member.move_to(channel)

async def people(ctx):
    channel = bot.get_channel(ID_HERE)
    member_ids = list(channel.voice_states.keys())
    return member_ids

#*members should get member_ids


  • You can just create another command from which you call the other two functions:

    async def moveAll(ctx, channel:discord.VoiceChannel):
        members_connected = await people(ctx) #Get the people
        for member_id in people_connected:
            member = await ctx.guild.fetch_member(member_id)
            await member.move_to(channel)