Is it possible to handle multiple message types from a single actor.
For example, assume there is an actor called TradingStrategy
that trades stocks. It takes in pricing data pumped in from another Actor. When it decides to place a trade, it sends a message to an another Actor, call it OrderActor
, to place a trade. But the TradingStrategy
Actor is interested in knowing whether or not the order placed was successful or rejected, etc... because it may change its strategy based on the results from the place order action. In this example, it seems the TradingStrategy
needs to handle messages for pricing updates AND order updates. Is this possible with Akka typed? Are there ways to handle this situation?
Here is a code example:
is the data message.
def apply(orderActor: ActorRef[OrderCommand]): Behavior[IEXData] = Behaviors.setup { context =>
new SimpleTradingStrategy(context, brokerActor)
class SimpleTradingStrategy(
context: ActorContext[IEXData],
orderActor: ActorRef[OrderCommand],
ticker: Ticker = "spy"
) extends AbstractBehavior[IEXData](context) {
's protocol would have to include messages indicating order updates. A TradingStrategy
actor can register a message adapter which will translate the messages sent by the order actor into TradingStrategy
's protocol: the TradingStrategy
can present the "virtual" ActorRef
returned by the message adapter to the order actor without the order actor knowing that its a TradingStrategy