I'm trying to create a GroovyDSL script which references some external libraries. Here's my script:
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node
import org.reflections.Reflections
def ctx = context(
ctype: 'groovy.util.ObjectGraphBuilder',
paths: ['com/example/scripts/.*'],
filetypes: ["groovy"]
Map<String, Class> candidateClasses = new Reflections(Node.packageName).getSubTypesOf(Node)
.collectEntries { Class type -> [(type.simpleName.uncapitalize()): type] }
contributor(ctx) {
candidateClasses.each { String methodName, Class type ->
method name: methodName, params: [props: "java.util.Map", closure: "groovy.lang.Closure"], type: type.name
Trying to enable it in Intellij, I'm getting:
startup failed: transformDslSyntaxgdsl: 1: unable to resolve class com.github.javaparser.ast.Node
@ line 1, column 1.
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node
Now, I have the proper external dependencies declared in pom.xml
, the rest of the code that depends on them is working just fine. I've also put the script inside a source folder (which some other answers here suggested might be relevant).
I have seen some examples for GDSL reference Intellij types like PsiClass
, which tells me the classpath for GDSL files seems to be different from the project classpath. Is there any way to make sure project dependencies are appended to that classpath?
I also tried using @Grape
only to get this error. Adding Apache Ivy as a dependency doesn't help, because again, project dependencies don't seem to influence the GDSL classpath.
After a bit more digging, I found that it is pretty easy to modify the IDE's classpath itself.
All you need to do is to drop a dependency into Intellij installation directory's lib
subfolder, and reference the jar inside classpath.txt
Initially, I added the jars my GDSL depends on directly, but then I realized I could simply add a dependency on Apache Ivy to classpath.txt
instead and @Grab
annotations would start working.