I try to enrich MT940-files. If part of the file looks like this:
:86:Mitsubishi Co Ltd
1-19, Higashi 88
:61:2202280228C211619,64NMSCSWEEP A/C 555603
I would like it to look like this:
:86:Mitsubishi Co Ltd 1-19, Higashi 88 MHCBJPJTXXX SCN123
:61:2202280228C211619,64NMSCSWEEP A/C 555603
So basically join the line with the previous one if it does not start with :
I can get it to remove the line break if it starts with : by using
(Get-Content "filename" -Raw) -replace '\r?\n:' -split '\r?\n' | Set-Content "filename"
but I just cannot get it to remove the line break if it does not start with :.
This should work:
(Get-Content path/to/file -Raw) -replace '\r?\n(?!:)', ' ' |
Set-Content path/to/file
Using the provided text as example:
:86:Mitsubishi Co Ltd
1-19, Higashi 88
:61:2202280228C211619,64NMSCSWEEP A/C 555603
'@ -replace '\r?\n(?!:)', ' '
# Results in:
:86:Mitsubishi Co Ltd 1-19, Higashi 88 MHCBJPJTXXX SCN123
:61:2202280228C211619,64NMSCSWEEP A/C 555603
See https://regex101.com/r/EwbqwR/1 for the description.