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Laravel - How to detach with condition?

I want to detach values from a model based on a condition. I want to detach all people from the organization whose type is 3, which are workers. But when I try to do so, it detaches all people, not taking into account the where condition.

here are my relationships:

Class: Organization

public function people()
    return $this->belongsToMany(People::class, 'organization_people')

public function workers()
    return $this->people()->where('type', 3); //returns all workers

public function detachWorkers()
    $this->workers()->detach(); // this detaches all people, I want it to detach only workers


  • You need to do this:

    public function people()
        return $this->belongsToMany(People::class, 'organization_people')
    public function workers()
        return $this->people()->where('type', 3);
    public function detachWorkers()

    IIUC Laravel will not append that where contstraint onto the detach. Howerver, it will append any contstraints that you place on the pivot table directly, such as $this->people()->wherePivot('type', 3); assuming that you have a type column on the pivot table.