Search code examples

Obtain the number of students of a teacher

  • teacher has a one-to-many relationship with the course.

  • course belongs to one teacher.

  • student can participate in several courses.

  • course can include several students.

According to Laravel standards, I also wrote the interface and relation table in the model.

Now I want to get the number of students of a teacher in TeachersController And if possible, get a list of his students.

Teacher Model

public function course()
    return $this->hasMany(course::class);

Course Model

public function teacher()
    return $this->belongsTo(Teacher::class);

public function students()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Student::class)
        ->withPivot('start_date', 'cancel_date', 'status');

Student Model

public function courses()
    return $this->belongsToMany(course::class)
        ->withPivot('status', 'start_date', 'cancel_date');

I tried to get the list and number of students through the course model defined in the teacher relation to the student model defined in the course model. But Laravel makes a mistake.

public function show(Teacher $teacher)
    $countStudent =  $teacher->course()->get()->students();


  • You can use hasManyThrough relationship here


     public function students() {
        return $this->hasManyThrough(Student::class, Course::class);

    in your controller

    public function show(Teacher $teacher){
     $countStudent =  $teacher->students()->count();